As of 2016, Singapore has the second-highest proportion of diabetics among developed nations, a report by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

Obesity, poor dietary choices and lifestyle factors such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle are all major factors to diabetes. While some people have a predisposition to developing Type 1 diabetes due to their genetic factors (pancreas naturally does not produce enough insulin), Type 2 diabetes is usually preventable.

With some changes to your dietary habits and adoption of healthier lifestyle practices (e.g reducing smoking habits and increasing physical activity), you are able to reduce your chances of developing diabetes which could lead to adverse health effects such as kidney failure, loss of eyesight and even gangrene which can lead to the amputation of limbs.

A little change goes a long way. With some minor tweaks to your food choices, you will be able to better control your blood sugar and less likely to fall into the diabetes statistics.